Bristol Ferry Boats
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Add-On Fares and Through Tickets via Bristol Temple Meads to Bristol Ferry Boats.
The Bristol Ferry Boats operate from Temple Quay which is a short walk from Bristol Temple Meads railway station.
Combined rail and ferry travel available as Single fares, Return fares and Hop-On Hop-Off fares for the Bristol Ferry Boats. For more information about Bristol Ferry Boats please see:
Single fares are priced from a range of railway origins to 'Bristol Ferry SGL' and Return fares are priced to 'Bristol Ferry RTN'. Where the ticket includes railway travel as well as travel on the Bristol Ferry Boats, there are both Off-Peak Day and Anytime Day versions available.
For the flexibility of one return trip on National Rail services and unlimited Hop-On Hop-Off validity on the Bristol Ferry Boats, there are Return fares priced to 'Bristol Ferry HOP'.
Passengers can purchase this ticket from any booking office.
Children and Seniors will each have a discounted rate on the ferry boats, and holders of any National Railcard will receive their normal discount on the rail travel part of the through-fares.
Add-On Amounts
Adults: £1.50 Single, £2.50 Return or £4.00 Hop-On Hop-Off Return*
Children (aged 5-15): £1.00 Single, £2.00 Return or £3.00 Hop-On Hop-Off Return*
Seniors: £1.00 Single, £2.00 Return or £3.00 Hop-On Hop-Off Return*
*Hop-On Hop-Off Return - The tickets priced to 'Bristol Ferry Hop' can be used multiple times on the Bristol Ferry Boats only.
Further information