c2c Senior Rover (All-Line or non-London)
Nearest train station
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Participating train companies websites
Unlimited mid-week days travel for over 65's.
Unlimited days travel on weekday off-peak trains for passengers aged 65 and over, across the c2c network.
c2c Senior Rover (All-Line)
If you're over 65, you can hop on and off any off-peak weekday c2c service, with the c2c Senior Rover. The c2c Senior Rover (All-Line) is required if you're travelling to or from a c2c station within the London zones.
c2c Senior Rover (Non-London)
The c2c Senior Rover (Non-London) allows off-peak travel between stations outside the London zones (Upminster or Rainham to Shoeburyness) only. c2c Senior Rover (Non-London) can be used in conjunction with a Freedom Pass or 60+ Oyster (if over 65).
Senior Railcard Holders
If you're 60 or over, and hold a Senior Railcard, you can get our Senior Rover ticket if you haven't hit 65 yet
Further information
c2c Senior Rover (non-London) is not valid for travel to or from the following stations:
London Liverpool Street
Stratford (London)
London Fenchurch Street
West Ham
Dagenham Dock
Rainham (Essex)
Travel is permitted from these stations in conjunction with Freedom Pass or 60+ Oyster (over 65's), or with c2c Senior Rover (All-Line)
Prices - c2c Senior Rover (non-London)
Off-Peak weekdays
Prices - c2c Senior Rover (All-Line)
Off-Peak weekdays