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Family & Friends Railcard

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Travelling with kids? Get 1/3 off adult fares and 60% off kids fares with a Family & Friends Railcard.


A Family & Friends Railcard costs £30 and it'll save you 1/3 on adult fares and 60% on kids' fares throughout Great Britain for a whole year.

The discount applies to all Standard, Anytime, Off-Peak and Advance fares and what's more, up to four adults and four children can travel on one card, and they don't even need to be related.

The card can be issued in the name of two adults, so that when one named person can't use it, the other one can, as long as there is at least one child over the age of five travelling. See our eligibility criteria for more information.

  • The only restriction is morning Peak time services, Monday to Friday (not including public holidays) when journeys are made wholly within the London and South East area.

Please visit Family & Friends Railcard website for more information

Further information

Purchase Details


The quickest and easiest way to buy is right here online.  All you need is:

  • Your address and email address

  • The name of the second cardholder (as it can't be added later)

  • A debit or credit card

At a station

You can buy a Family & Friends Railcard at any National Rail staffed station ticket office or National Rail-licensed Travel Agent. You can do it on the day you are travelling, just ensure the ticket office is open.

There are usually application forms available at stations, but in order to save time it's a good idea to fill in the form before you get there. You can print and fill in the application form which is available to download here and bring it with you.

Valid from

From 1st October 2022

Valid in both directions


Passengers Information


  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 4


  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 4
