Freedom of Severn & Solent 8 in 15 Day Rover
Nearest train station
No Data Available
Participating train companies websites
Travel in the designated rover area
The Freedom of Severn & Solent Rover provides unlimited use of all National Rail services on the map in the validity section.
Available any 8 days within a 15 day period.
Further information
For further information see
8 in 15 days
With Railcard
- Family & Friends Railcard£68.25
Child: £20.30
NOTE: Railcard conditions apply. Minimum 1 Adult & 1 Child, Maximum 4 Adults (including either one or both named cardholders) & 4 Children.
- Two Together Railcard£68.25
In addition to any time restrictions applying to this ticket, note that Two Together Railcard discounted tickets cannot be used before 09:30 Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays).
- Disabled Persons Railcard£68.25
- Senior Railcard£68.25
- 16-25 Railcard£68.25
- HM Forces Railcard£68.25
Child: £20.30
- Family & Friends Railcard£68.25