Freedom of the North West (4 in 8 Day)
Nearest train station
No Data Available
Participating train companies websites
Travel in the designated rover area
The rover allows travel to Carlisle from Barrow, Dumfries, Lockerbie and Hexham.
It also covers the area bounded by the Settle-Carlisle, Barrow, Morecambe, Blackpool, Southport, Shipley to Bradford, Leeds, Halifax, Manchester, Liverpool, Warrington Bank Quay to Helsby, Chester, Shotton, West Kirkby and New Brighton.
Available any 4 days within an 8 day period.
Further information
For further information see
4 in 8 Days
With Railcard
- 16-25 Railcard£63.85
Other discounts
Discounted fare £63.85 with the following Railcards:
26-30 Railcard
Two Together Railcard
Disabled Persons Railcard
Senior Railcard
HM Forces Railcard
Veterans Railcard (Adult)
Family & Friends Railcard (Adult)
Discounted fare £18.35 applies to
HM Forces Railcard (Child)
Veterans Railcard (Child)
Family & Friends Railcard (Child)
Discounted fare £48.40 applies to:
16-17 Saver
- 16-25 Railcard£63.85