Freedom of the South West 3 in 7 Day Rover
Nearest train station
No Data Available
Participating train companies websites
Travel in the designated rover area
Unlimited off-peak travel for either any 3 days in a consecutive 7 day period or any 8 days in a consecutive 15 day period.
The area includes the whole of Devon and Cornwall and extends from Great Malvern and Worcester in the north to Weymouth and Portsmouth in the south and from Cardiff in the west to Swindon in the east and encompasses Bristol, Salisbury and Southampton.
Further information
For further information see
3 in 7 days
With Railcard
- Two Together Railcard£85.50
In addition to any time restrictions applying to this ticket, note that Two Together Railcard discounted tickets cannot be used before 09:30 Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays).
Other Railcards (Adult Discounted Price Is As Above):
Disabled Person's Railcard
16-25 Railcard
Senior Railcard
HM Forces Railcard
Railcard Child Prices
Disabled Person's Railcard: see child price
HM Forces Railcard: £25.60
- Two Together Railcard£85.50