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HM Forces Railcard

Nearest train station

Participating train companies websites


Discounted fares for HM Forces personnel, spouses and dependent children aged 16 or 17.


The HM Forces Railcard is issued direct to HM Forces Personnel by their corresponding Ministry of Defence service unit to whom all enquiries should be made.

Valid from

From 1st September 2022

Days & Times Valid

  • Label Monday to Sunday: Yes

Valid for 1-year

Terms & Conditions

£12.00 minimum fare on services scheduled to depart between 04:30 and 09:59, Mondays to Fridays excluding Public Holidays, or throughout July and August.

No minimum fare on Weekends, Bank Holidays or between 01 July and 31 August inclusive

Valid in both directions


Passengers Information


  • Minimum: 1


  • Maximum: 4

Validity Area

Nationwide – not valid for regular travel to place of employment, duty or education

Applicable Origin Station(s)

Applies to all stations

Applicable Destination Station(s)

Applies to all stations


  • Adult

