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Severn Valley Railway

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Participating train companies websites


Currently not for sale from station ticket offices.  All tickets must be pre-booked via the SVR website until further notice.


The Severn Valley Railway is a glorious 16 mile steam and diesel railway which travels between Kidderminster and Bridgnorth. The line is within sight of the River Severn for most of the journey and passes through beautiful countryside and the Georgian town of Bewdley along the way.

Further information

Tickets should be purchased via Severn Valley Railway website

Available to Purchase

From 7th September 2004

Purchase Details

Currently not for sale from station ticket offices.  Tickets should be purchased via Severn Valley Railway website

Booking Conditions

Currently not for sale from station ticket offices.  All tickets must be pre-booked via the SVR website until further notice.

Valid from

From 7th September 2004

Terms & Conditions

Valid in both directions


Applicable Origin Station(s)


Applicable Destination Station(s)



  • Validity

    Currently not for sale from station ticket offices.  All tickets must be pre-booked via the SVR website until further notice.
