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West Wight Wanderer Day Ranger

Nearest train station

Participating train companies websites


Day Ranger offering rail, ferry and bus travel.


The West Wight Wanderer Day Ranger offers:

  • Unlimited rail travel between Brockenhurst and Lymington Pier

  • A return journey on Wightlink's ferry between Lymington Pier and Yarmouth

  • Unlimited travel on Southern Vectis routes 7 and Needles Breezer between Yarmouth and The Needles.

Further information

Available to Purchase

26th February 2024 - 3rd November 2024

Purchase Details

Available for purchase at the ticket office or online through ( for postal delivery.

If you're buying your ticket online, you'll need to order by 17:00 on weekdays (excluding public holidays) for same day dispatch, by next day delivery or first class post. Please note there is a charge for postal delivery and we suggest buying your tickets at least five working days before travel.

Valid from

2nd March 2024 - 3rd November 2024

Terms & Conditions

The West Wight Wanderer is valid for travel at 09:00 (08:59 on South Western Railway), or later, Monday - Friday and any time at weekends and public holidays.

Valid in both directions


Applicable Zone of Station(s)

Brockenhurst, Lymington Pier and Lymington Town


  • Validity

    Valid on the date shown on the ticket.

  • Adult


  • Child

