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Cambrian Railcard (Transport for Wales)

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Reduced rail travel on the Cambrian Lines


The Cambrian Railcard offers at least one third off most individual Standard Class rail fares on the Cambrian Lines.

Holders of the Cambrian Railcard are entitled to purchase most Standard Class rail fares for journeys Pwllheli - Aberystwyth- Machynlleth - Newtown - Shrewsbury (including from / to all intermediate stations) at a discount.

Further information

For further information see

Purchase Details

How to apply for your Railcard

Cambrian Lines Railcards are on sale at the staffed railway stations of:

  • Aberystwyth (opening hours Mon-Fri 0620 to 1725, Sat 0620 to 1520)

  • Machynlleth (opening hours Mon-Sat 0745 to 1600, Sun 1030 to 1330)

  • Shrewsbury: (opening hours Mon-Sun 0730 to 1930 

  • Welshpool Tourist Information Centre: (opening hours Mon-Sat 0930 to 1630, Sun 1000 to 1600)

  • Barmouth: (opening hours Mon-Sat 0845 to 1645 Apr to Sep only.)

Please complete an application form along with proof of identity and conformation of residency, for example, council tax or utility bill.

Postal Applications

Postal applications should include:

  • a completed application form

  • a stamped addressed envelope

  • photocopy of proof of residence

  • cheque made payable to Transport for Wales Rail Limited

Please mark the envelope 'Cambrian Lines Railcard' and send applications to: 

Freepost TFW Rail, Customer Relations (c/o Business Travel).

Booking Conditions

All single and return tickets subject to normal ticket restrictions.

Valid from

From 8th March 2023

Valid in both directions

