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Cholsey & Wallingford Railway

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Additional fare to travel from Cholsey station on the Cholsey and Wallingford Railway


The Cholsey & Wallingford Railway (CWR) is located within The London & Thames Valley region of the Great Western Railway network. Services operated by the CWR depart from platform 5 at Cholsey station and run for nearly 3 miles through the rural Oxfordshire countryside. On arrival at Wallingford station there are many activities for all ages. The line is a former GWR branch line that was originally constructed to run from Cholsey through to Watlington, however the line terminates at Wallingford.

Further information

For further information see

Purchase Details

The combined fares that are available have been priced to include the admission cost for The Cholsey & Wallingford Railway.

Booking Conditions

These fares are not valid for Santa Special days. This ticket can be bought for special events and Gala days but an additional payment may be required by The Cholsey & Wallingford Railway upon arrival.

You should check that services are operating on the day you wish to travel, details are available from the CWR on (01491) 835067 or at

Valid from

From 8th March 2023

Valid in both directions


Applicable Destination Station(s)



  • Adult


  • Child


  • Concession

