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Dreamland Margate

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Save time and money when you travel by train to Dreamland in Margate


Combined tickets are available to Dreamland in Margate including the train fare and the admission to Dreamland.

Only day return tickets are available.

Southeastern Kids for a Quid tickets are available. 

The park is open every day up to and including 30th August 2019

During September 2019, the park is open on the following weekends: 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29

Further information

Purchase Details

Tickets can be bought at any staffed railway station.

Valid from

From 8th March 2023

Days & Times Valid

The park is open every day up to and including 30th August 2019 During September 2019, the park is open on the following weekends: 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29

Valid in both directions



  • Adult


  • Child


  • Concession

    Railcard discounts apply to the rail leg only, not the admission element.
