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Explore South Wales

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Participating train companies websites


Enjoy unlimited travel in the designated geographical area on Transport for Wales rail and TrawsCymru bus services for 4 days within an 8 day period.


Explore South Wales offers unlimited travel on Transport for Wales rail services and TrawsCymru bus services in the designated geographical area for 4 days within an 8 day period.

Valid for travel from 09:30 Monday to Friday, and all day Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Further information

For further information about Explore South Wales and Transport for Wales' other Explore products, please visit, or ask for information at your local booking office.

Available to Purchase

From 25th July 2024

Purchase Details

Buy Explore South Wales from the TfW app, TfW website or from your local rail station booking office.  If there are no ticket buying facilities at the station where you are starting your journey, you can also buy Explore South Wales from a Conductor on board a Transport for Wales train.

Booking Conditions

Unused tickets are refundable subject to an administration fee (excludes digital purchases through Transport for Wales channels)

Valid from

From 25th July 2024

Terms & Conditions

Valid for travel from 09:30 Monday to Friday, and all day Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Explore South Wales can be used for 4 days' travel within an 8 day travel period.

Valid in both directions


Passengers Information


  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 1


  • Maximum: 1

Validity Area

Applicable Zone of Station(s)

Aberdare, Aber, Abercynon, Abergavenny, Ammanford, Baglan, Birchgrove, Bargoed, Bridgend, Brithdir, Builth Road, Broome, Briton Ferry, Barry, Bucknell, Barry Docks, Bynea, Barry Island, Cadoxton, Cardiff Bay...


  • Validity

    Valid for travel from 09:30 Monday to Friday, and all day Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

  • Adult


  • Child


  • With Railcard

    • 16-25 Railcard£45.55

      Railcard Discounts:

      • Senior - £45.55

      • Two Together - £45.55

      • 26-30 - £45.55

      • Disabled Persons Railcard - £45.55

      • HM Forces - £45.55
