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PlusBus - Annual

Nearest train station

Participating train companies websites


Travelling to or from the train station doesn't have to be hassle - driving in traffic, trying to find a parking space or paying through the nose for a taxi. Simply buy a PlusBus ticket with your train ticket and you're sorted. We give you unlimited bus and tram travel on most/all operators services, around the whole urban area of your rail-served town or city.


Unlimited bus and tram travel on most/all operators services, around the whole urban area of the rail-served town or city. Buy PlusBus to start your journey (for travel to the train station) or to complete your journey (for travel from the train station to your final destination). There are no peak period restrictions, so you can hop-on and off buses and trams as much as you like all day.

Valid from

From 1st September 2022

Valid in both directions

