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Nearest train station


If you would like to travel by tram and train for up to a month around South Yorkshire, RailMaster may be the best option for you.

This ticket gives you unlimited travel for one calendar month on the South Yorkshire rail network.


RailMaster gives you unlimited rail travel between all South Yorkshire stations and on the Supertram network.  Also valid on the Tram Train service.

Further information

For further information see

Purchase Details

At any staffed National Rail station in South Yorkshire

Valid from

From 8th March 2023

Terms & Conditions

RailMaster is available from all staffed National Rail stations in the county.

RailMasters are only available with photocards, so please bring along a passport size photograph when you buy one. 

Please note: Refund enquiries should be directed to Northern.

Valid in both directions



  • Adult

