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Rail & Sail to the Northern Isles

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All in one ticket to the Northern Isles


This ticket offers an all in one ticket for rail and ferry travel from any station in Scotland to the islands of Orkney and Shetland with Northlink Ferries

Available to Purchase

From 2nd January 2010

Purchase Details

  • ScotRail Telesales on 0344 811 0141

  • At a staffed station

  • On-train when boarding at a station where no booking facilities are available

Valid from

From 2nd January 2010

Terms & Conditions


Standard Class travel from any station in Scotland to and from the following destinations:

  • Kirkwall (Orkney Islands) via Aberdeen

  • Kirkwall (Orkney Islands) via Thurso (includes Ormlie Taxis transfer from Thurso to Scrabster)

  • Lerwick (Shetland Islands) via Aberdeen

  • Stromness (Orkney Islands) via Thurso (Stagecoach bus service from Thurso to Scrabster)

Travel Validity

Normal validity and restrictions apply to rail portion of the journey - see

Valid in both directions


Applicable Origin Station(s)

Achanalt, Altnabreac, Aberdeen, Achnashellach, Achnasheen, Ardrossan Town, Airdrie, Ardrossan Harbour, Addiewell, Argyle Street, Airbles, Alexandria, Anderston, Anniesland, Annan, Arbroath, Ardgay, Arisaig, Arrochar & Tarbet, Ardrossan South Beach...
