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Wheelchair user without a Railcard

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Participating train companies websites


Anyone who needs to stay in their own wheelchair throughout a rail journey.

No Railcard required.

Discount can also apply to an adult companion travelling at the same time.


One wheelchair user, if they remain in their own wheelchair throughout the journey, plus one adult companion, travelling together can get a discount on the following ticket types:

Anytime Single, Anytime Return, and Anytime Day Single

  • Adult: 34%

  • Child: 75%

  • Under five years old: Free

  • Accompanying Adult: 34%

  • Accompanying Child: None

Anytime Day Return

  • Adult: 50%

  • Child: 75%

  • Under five years old: Free

  • Accompanying Adult: 50%

  • Accompanying Child: None

If the accompanying person is 5-15, a Child Rate fare may be cheaper than a discounted Adult fare. Discounts do not apply to Child Rate tickets.

In a small number of cases where an Anytime Day Return is not available, ticket office staff may issue two equivalent single tickets at 50% discount.

Further information

Not valid for journeys solely on London Underground, except for cross-London transfers displaying the 'cross' symbol (†).

Available to Purchase

From 1st July 2007

Purchase Details

Available from staff at stations and in-person purchases on-board where permitted.

Booking Conditions

Where a person requests a ticket for a wheelchair user and the ticket is not for an immediate journey, the ticket can be sold at the appropriate discount without the wheelchair user having to be present.

A customer travelling in their own wheelchair is expected to buy their ticket before boarding the train when an opportunity is provided for them to do so.  

Valid from

From 1st July 2007

Days & Times Valid

Discount valid at all times

Terms & Conditions

For someone travelling in Standard class, it may be that one of the reduced fare tickets, available at the time of travel, is cheaper than a discounted Anytime / Anytime Day Single/Return, e.g. an Off-Peak Return may be cheaper than a discounted Standard Class Anytime Return.

Valid in both directions


Passengers Information


  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 2

Applicable Origin Station(s)

Applies to all stations

Applicable Destination Station(s)

Applies to all stations


  • Validity

    One wheelchair user if they remain in their own wheelchair throughout the journey, plus one adult companion, travelling together.
