Wembley Stadium Events: Bag Policy
Advice for customers – Wembley Stadium are operating a restricted bag policy for people attending events
To help provide a safer environment to their fans, Wembley Stadium are operating a restricted bag policy for all events.
Bags will be checked at an outer cordon and a bag gauge will be used for any dispute on size. All items and bags carried by spectators and staff will be carefully inspected upon entry to the stadium, which may include a personal wanding or pat down.
All match day merchandise purchases will be supplied in a clear plastic bag in line with this policy and will be admissible. If you purchase merchandise from a concession stand on the outer concourse or the external stadium store, the bag will be sealed because it is inside the security cordon.
See further details on this policy on the Wembley Stadium website.
Why has Wembley Stadium adopted this policy?
Wembley Stadium review public safety and stadium security policies every year looking for ways to improve them. The Stadium strongly believed that it made sense to adjust the policy to enhance public safety and make the stadium access more efficient by limiting the size and style of bags carried into the stadium.
How many bags can each person bring?
One small bag per person that does not exceed A4 size. All match day merchandise purchases will be supplied in a clear plastic bag in line with this policy and will be admissible in addition to the above.
What happens if I show up at the gates with a bag that is not permitted?
Fans carrying bags that do not meet the criteria will not be permitted entry to the event or stadium. If for medical reasons you require a bag that does not meet the criteria, entry will be permitted subject to contacting the stadium prior to match day. You will be issued with a certificate representing your right to take those items into the stadium. You will need to produce this certificate at the outer security cordon.